Hello, and welcome to PentriNews issue one (June '96). This is just a method which allows me to distribute news and changes about the group in a more systematic way, otherwise, I'll end up telling some members twice about certain things, and others not at all! First, I shall start off with a little history of PentriSoft, to make things clearer...
<B>Late 1994 - </B>Stephane Gray comes up with this sort of idea for a sort of association thing for programmers...
<B>1995 - </B>Steph then proceeds to set up the above, now named PentriSoft, for the Mac.
<B>Late 1995 - </B>After knowing of such happenings for some time, I think 'Why don't I do something like that?' Actually, I was already a member, so it made sense to get some more Amiga members.
<B>April 1996 - </B>The first Amiga ad for PentriSoft appears in Amiga Shopper, yielding six replies.
<B>May 1996 - </B>Nick Hobbs very kindly writes a Registration program, thus saving me time, paper (and even printer ribbon), as well as creating the prospects of distributing this program. New logo variations are created, on the advice of a couple of members. I also get my friend, Rob, to become a PentriSoft beta-tester.
<B>June 1996 - </B>That's about now. The second AS ad has appeared, and I'm awaiting replies around about now. I've got another member from school (one more and we're in double figures!). I've sent another ad for AS off, by the way, and we should hopefully be receiving some advertising in a couple of diskmags (courtesy of Steve [of Beyond Sanit-E], and Jose). I'm still hoping my letter to Amiga Format will appear (soon...), as they often allow such free plugs in. Of course, If anyone knows any other Amiga programmers, then please get them to write to me! And remember, we can also have members as beta testers rather than programmers - would look great on a c.v., etc! (see original PentriEntry docs for more details.)
I've begun to 'link' members of the same languages up, so they can swap source code and ideas, as that is one of the main purposes of PentriSoft, rather than just everyone writing through me - this will be especially necessary, and easier to do, as we grow larger in size. If, at any time, you want to get in touch with a like-minded member, then write to me. And Rob is still ready and waiting for your programs to beta test them!